1: Am alergat odata cu timpu`...

sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2016



Cannot give you the right answer
Just stop, wonder without anger
Without feeling like a sober monster
Searching for the love anchor

I am a problem solver
Not afraid of the revolver

I am a pillow huger
I am the nightmares' fighter

I suffer from book hangover
I am the nature's lover

Universal free believer.
Stop. Fast Forward. Rewind. Stop.

miercuri, 1 aprilie 2015

Thoughts and dreams...

Have you ever dreamed of flying? Have you ever dreamed of having super powers?  Have you dreamed being part of the creation of the world? Or being a knight years and years ago...?
I have. I would love to have a time machine to go back in time or further in the future. Unfortunately tempus irreparabile fugit! ..or maybe not.

It is crazy how people today are still conservative! 
This is a new Era. We have so much information that you go nuts?! 

People make insane suits and jump from cliffs and they fly!! 

Long time ago we immersed into a virtual world that gave us freedom and creativity.
Science-fiction took shape into reality and it´s giving us endless opportunities.

I am "all in" when it is about being Here and Now but that doesn't mean we should reject technology. 

Paranoia and fear make us freeze. That is why addiction is everywhere - alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gaming, sex... you name it! 
Addiction comes where there is no understanding... and we know well that everything in excess is opposed to nature.

It's really sad that kids learn how to fear... From their parents, from their schools, from everything and everyone that could help them becoming great minds and souls.

How many lives would be different if assorted points of view would be accepted?! If social skills, creativity and desire wouldn't be killed?! If information wouldn't be withheld?!

You can make the change. You can encourage your kids and your parents to be opened to new, to be creative and sociable and you can teach them how to explore new ideas and new worlds!

Now, today, genius minds are developing platforms that will make Sience Fiction possible.

This is 3D Virtual Reality - where you can travel anywhere in space and time, where you can enjoy your coffee in the morning with a friend that lives miles away (teleportation!) or have business meetings. Save time and be Eco-friendly by avoiding the traffic when you need to do something like getting medical advice, lessons from tutors or even shopping.  

As well, as user you are involved in creating this world by using the knowledge of these highly skilled people on a powerful, user-friendly platform. 
You develop your creativity and various other skills when you create your humanoid, house or business. 

Through a 3D Virtual World doors open, everything becomes possible. 
We can experience and learn cultures even if we cannot get the time or the money to visit other continents or countries.
Imagine feeling the German rigour, the Spanish "caliente" or the tribal rituals from your own house; not to mention getting the vibes and meeting people from various countries and cultures. 

Time is money and money "make the world go round". 
What if we can have a facilitated access to all above? 

Nowadays we try to have access to information and success, we try to be eco-friendly and change the world. This seems more possible now than ever.

Wake up! Embrace the Present and accept your Past and the Future! It is coming so dance with it!

vineri, 18 aprilie 2014

wake up@

 nimeni nu intervine. Sunt tot aici. Bine-ai venit in lumea mea: zambesc neincetat: aici e magnific. Te-ai minti singur spunand contrariul. Ce faci? Unde esti? Ce se intampla? Aici, acolo, tot acolo.
Un loc minunat sau un sicriu? Nu mi'e frica de nimic dar vezi tu? frigul poate ingheta simtamintele si realitatea.
aici? aici, e frumos.
Privirea'ti devine din ce in ce mai contradictorie. De ce tot trebuie sa fie din ce in ce mai bun? De ce sa nu te bucuri de haos? De ce sa nu accepti fericirea care vine din noi? De ce sa atasezi false zambete cand ai uitat acum o epoca cum sa razi? ti'as da macar o jumatate din visele mele, cate'ai putea intelege!!!
In marea larga esti dar te blochezi ca un peste in acvariu fara nici un comentariu..... Vrei sa fugi dar te'mpiedici in blugi. Blugii pe care i'ai uitat anul trecut pe podea alunecand dupa acadeaua pe care-am aruncat'o inainte de'a'mi bea cafeaua; a 5a cafea .. Folosesti fraze cenzurate crezand ca m-ai luat in rate.
De-as putea sterge cu o guma toate ideile crete, as putea alcatui o noua realitate. Realitatea.

Alergam incercand sa las acest amalgam deoparte cand....
Tarziu, realizam ca nu suntem decat soapte care se pierd in zori de zi, care se ascund printe cersafuri si lumineaza in linistea diminetii.

Dor de sarutul nisipului...